This section provides a description of the views, viewpoints and most salient (focal) Architecture Building Blocks in the EIRA©. Each architecture view and viewpoint has a visual diagram, a narrative, and a set of focal Architecture Building Blocks:
- The visual diagram depicts the Architecture Building Blocks in the EIRA©. It can be conceived as a part of the EIRA© architecture content metamodel, which extends the ArchiMate® model concepts, as explained in Section 3.2.2. It shows how the EIRA© Architecture Building Blocks are related to each other, and which ArchiMate® concepts are used to depict them.
- The narrative is a textual description of the view providing natural language statements.
- The focal Architecture Building Blocks are building blocks that create the interconnections with Architecture Building Blocks related to other views.
The remainder of this section introduces the Architecture Building Blocks in the EIRA© structured according to the following architectural models:
- The Legal view;
- The Organisational view;
- The Semantic view;
- The Technical view - Application;
- The Technical view - Infrastructure;
- The EIRA Ontology view;
- Viewpoints:
- [Folder] Architecture Principles
- Architecture Principles viewpoint
- [Folder] EIRA Design Patterns
- REST API viewpoint;
- High-level viewpoint;
- Enterprise Architecture Framework alignment guidelines viewpoint
- Interoperability Behavioural viewpoint;
- Interoperability Governance viewpoint;
- Interoperability Privacy viewpoint;
- Interoperability Security viewpoint;
- Interoperability Structural viewpoint;
- Interoperable European Solution viewpoint;
- Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint.
- [Folder] Architecture Principles
When the direction of an ArchiMate® relation between two entities is unclear (this is the case when using the assignment relation only); the EIRA© uses the following convention: The relation between two entities is always modelled in a top-down, left to right fashion. The top entity refers to the subject of a sentence, the bottom entity refers to the object of a sentence. When the two entities are at the same level, it is the left entity that refers to the subject and the right entity that refers to the object.
Given the size of the models, the images in this section had to be scaled down. However, full width images are available in the annex of this document together with the list of Architecture Building Blocks.
EIRA Views
Legal View

The Legal view models the most salient public policy development enablers and implementation instruments that shall be considered in order to support the End to End design of interoperable digital public services. Narrative: A [Public Policy] aims at addressing the needs of a group of stakeholders, and it associated with a [Public Policy Objective]. The policy is formulated and implemented with the help of [Legal Act] which contain [European Legal act] and [National Legal act] in the form of either [Binding Instrument] or [Non-Binding Instrument]. A key type of legislation for behavioral interoperability is the [Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange] which together with the [Legislation Catalogue] and [Legal Agreement] aggregate a [Shared Legal Framework]. [Legislation Catalogue] aggregates [Legal Act] which contain [European Legal act] and [National Legal act] and realised the [Public Policy] and [Granularity of Legal Requirements]. Also [Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange] aggregate [Legal Act]. [Legal Interoperability Agreement] are a specialisation of the [Legal Agreements] focused on formalizing governance rules enabling collaboration between digital public services. These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Legal Governance content] and the [Legal Functional content] and have their interoperability aspects defined by [Interoperability Specification]. |
Legal view ABBs |
Legal Agreement |
Legal Interoperability Agreement |
European Legal Interoperability Agreement |
National Legal Interoperability Agreement |
Public Policy Context |
Public Policy Constraint |
Digital Ready Policymaking |
Delegation of Powers Provisioning Digital Public Services |
Legislation on Digital Public Services |
Legal Clauses |
Legal Act Representation |
Shared Legal Content |
Interoperability Specification |
Legal Governance Content |
Legal Functional Content |
Binding Power |
Jurisdiction |
Architecture Principle |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block |
Building Block |
Binding Instrument |
Building Block |
Binding Instrument |
Non-binding Instrument |
Granularity of Legal Requirements |
Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange |
Public Policy Objective |
Public Policy |
Legal Act |
European Legal Act |
National Legal Act |
Legislation Catalogue |
Organisational View

The Organisational view models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that shall be considered in order to support organisational aspects for the End to End design of Digital Public Services. Narrative: Digital Public Service] is delivered according to its [Digital Public Service Delivery Model] and realises a [Digital Business Capability] by accessing [Information]. [Digital Public Service] is documented in [Digital Public Service Catalogue] that can be used among others with services portfolio management purposes. The [Digital Public Service Catalogue] aggregates the [Shared Organisational Content] as the [Organisational Agreement] and the [Digital Public Service Delivery Model]. [Digital Public Service Delivery Model] assigns/aggregates [Digital Public Service Delivery Machine Agent] and [Digital Public Service Delivery Human Agent] both serving a role [Agent]. [Agent] is specialised by stakeholders [Individual] and [Legal Entity], which is the specialisation of another stakeholder [Organisation]. [Organisation] is also specialised by stakeholders such as [Business] and [Public Administration]. An [Agent] can serve both relations, as [Digital Public Service Consumer] and [Digital Public Service Provider]. Both roles are assigned with the business function [Digital Public Service Provision]. [Organisational Agreement], which is specialised in [Organisational Interoperability Agreement]. [Digital Governance Plan] is composed by contracts [Agreement on Provision of Digital Public Services], [Agreement on Interoperability Security] which is associated to [Security Framework], the [Agreement on Privacy] associated to [Privacy Framework], the [Agreement on Data Sharing] and [Agreement of the Use on Common Infrastructure] both associated to [Interoperability Framework]. [Digital Governance Plan] realises the [Digital Agenda] that influences the [Interoperability Strategy]. [Digital Agenda] is realised by a [Digitalisation Roadmap], which developing the constraint [Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation]. [Data Owner] and [Data Holder] are business roles that sign or agree upon [Organisational Agreement] that realise the constraint [Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence Assurance and Control]. On the delivery of the [Digital Public Service] a [Digital Public Service Delivery] business interface is assigned to the [Digital Public Service], and the business interface can have different modalities such as [Web App], [Mobile App], [Desktop App], [Service App], and [Adaptive Configuration]. These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Organisational Governance content] and [Organisational Functional content], both aggregated with [Shared Organisational Content]. Each of these Architecture Building Blocks can have any [Interoperability Specification] associated, which is realised by a [Solution Building Block].
Organisational view ABBs |
Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence Assurance and Control |
Data Owner |
Data Holder |
Organisational Agreement |
Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation |
Digitalisation Roadmap |
Digital Agenda |
Interoperability Strategy |
Agreement of Provision of Digital Public Services |
Agreement on Interoperability Security |
Agreement on Privacy |
Agreement on Data Sharing |
Agreement of the Use on Common Infrastructure |
Digital Governance Plan |
Interoperability Framework |
Security Framework |
Privacy Framework |
Shared Organisational Content |
European Library of Architecture Principles |
Architecture Principle |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block |
Solution Building Block |
Interoperability Specification |
Business |
Organisation |
Legal Entity |
Individual |
Public Administration |
Agent |
Digital Public Service Machine Agent |
Digital Public Service Human Agent |
Digital Public Service Consumer |
Digital Public Service Provision |
Digital Public Service Provider |
Digital Public Service Delivery |
Web App |
Mobile App |
Desktop App |
Service App |
Adaptative Configuration |
Digital Public Service |
Digital Public Service Catalogue |
Digital Business Capability |
Information |
Organisational Functional Content |
Digital Public Service Delivery Model |
Organisational Governance Content |
Semantic view
![]() |
The Semantic view models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that should be considered in order to support semantic aspects for the End to End design of interoperable Digital Public Services. Narrative: [Data] is serialised using [Data Representation] the treatment and contextualisation, drives [Data] and [Data Representation] into [Knowledge]. [Data] can be grouped into [Dataset], as [Dataset] aggregates [Data]. and can be described and aggregated in [Dataset Catalogue]. [Data] is linked to [Ontology], which can be described and aggregated into [Ontologies Catalogue]. [Data Mapping] aggregates [Data] and is described and aggregated into [Data Mapping Catalogue]. [Data Mapping] is also specialised in [Metadata Catalogue], [Data Syntax Mapping Catalogue], and [Software Components Catalogue]. [Distributed Ledger] is associated to [Data] supporting the sharing and recording of encrypted data across multiple sites, countries, or institutions. [Virtual Dataset] aggregates [Dataset], that can be specialised in [Reference Data] and [Master Data]. [Base Registry] is composed of [Master Data]. [Data] can be represented as [Linked Data] and [Open Data], which are specialisations of [Data]. The representation [Linked Open Data] is a specialisation of both [Open Data] and [Linked Data]. [Linked Data] can be distributed by [Linked Open Event Stream], which is a specialisation of it. [Hash Code] and [Metadata] specialise [Data]. [Metadata] is at the same time, specialised by [Data Model], which is composed of [Forms Structure] and [Data Format], and aggregates [Data Syntax]. [Controlled Vocabulary] is a specialisation of [Data Model]. [Data] has a specific [Data Owner] that is responsible for its management, together with [Digital Public Service Delivery Consumer] and [Digital Public Service Delivery Provider Provider] and all negotiate and reach a [Semantic Agreement] and/or a [Semantic Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of [Semantic Agreement]. [Data] is subject to [Data Policy], which has specific cases that are [Master Data Policy], [Security Policy], [Privacy Policy], [Data Portability Policy], and [Open Data Policy]. These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Semantic Functional content] and [Semantic Governance Content], both are aggregated with [Semantic Knowledge Content]. |
Semantic view ABBs | |
Semantic Interoperability Agreement | |
Semantic Agreement | |
Master Data Policy | |
Open Data Policy | |
Data Portability Policy | |
Security Policy | |
Privacy Policy | |
Data Policy | |
Shared Knowledge Content | |
European Library of Architecture Principles | |
Architecture Principle | |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block | |
Solution Building Block | |
Interoperability Specification | |
Metadata Catalogue | |
Data Mapping Catalogue | |
Data Syntax Mapping Catalogue | |
Software Components Catalogue | |
Ontologies Catalogue | |
Dataset Catalogue | |
Reference Data | |
Distributed Ledger | |
Data Mapping | |
Ontology | |
Dataset | |
Master Data | |
Base Registry | |
Hash Code | |
Data | |
Virtual Dataset | |
Linked Data | |
Linked Data Event Stream | |
Linked Open Data | |
Open Data | |
Knowledge | |
Data Representation | |
Metadata | |
Controlled Vocabulary | |
Data Model | |
Data Syntax | |
Forms Structure | |
Data Format | |
Semantic Governance Content | |
Semantic Functional Content |
Technical view - Application
The Technical - Application Domain specific view contains the most salient application Architecture Building Blocks that need to be considered to support technical aspects for the End-to-End analysis and design of Digital Solutions. A Digital Solution can support one or more public policies. Narrative: [Interoperable Digital Solution] aggregates [Shared Platform], and provides access to data and services. The [Interoperable Digital Solution] includes [Machine to Machine Interface] with [Human Interface], which both realise [Digital Public Service Delivery], which assign [Digital Public Service], which realize [Digital Business Capability]. Also [Machine to Machine Interface] and [Human Interface] assign [Digital Solution Service] which is realised by [Digital Solution Component]. [Interoperable Digital Solution] is influenced by [Technical Agreement], and its specialisation [Tech Interoperability Agreement] and [Service Level Agreement], all three elements constitute [Technical Governance Content]. [Shared Platform] includes [API Enablers] to register the system services in which [Web Service] which is a specialisation of [API], as well as [Machine to Machine Interface]. [API Catalogue Component] realises [API Discovery and Catalogue Service] which associate with [API Catalogue] which associate with [API]. [Service Registry] is associate with (is a) [Web Service] and [Service Discovery and Registry Service] which realized by [Service Registry Component]. Orchestration Enablers in which [Orchestration Component] realises [Orchestration Service]. Security Enablers in which [Audit Component] realises [Audit Service]. [Security Enablers] include a subset of Identification and Access Enablers where [Identification Component] realises [Authentication Service], [Request Validation Service], [Registration Service], and [Access Management Component] realises [Access Management Service] and its specialisations [Identity Management Service], [Authorisation Service], and the [Accounting Service]. [Test Enablers] in which [Conformance Testing Component] accesses [Conformance Test Scenario] and performs [Conformance Testing Service]. Trust between systems is established with Identity management is realised with [Trust Enablers] in which [Trust Service Provisioning Component] realises [e-Signature Creation Service],[e-signature Verification and Validation Service],[e-signature Preservation Service], [e-Seal Creation Service], [e-Seal Verification and Validation Service], [e-Seal Preservation Service], [e-Timestamp Creation Service], [e-Timestamp Verification and Validation Service], [Registered Electronic Delivery Service] and [Integrity Verification Service]. Also [Blockchain Component] realises [Blockchain Service]. In [Data Exchange Enablers] exist [Data Exchange Component] which realises [Data Exchange Service]. In [Data Management Enablers] exist the [Metadata Management Component] realises [Metadata Management Service]. [e-Archiving Component] realises [e-Archiving Service]. [Data Management Component] realises [Data Management Service]. [Forms Management Component] realises [Content Management Service] and [Forms Management Service]. [Data Publication Component] realises [Data Publication Service]. [Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Component] realises [Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Service]. [Data Quality Component] realises [Data Quality Service]. [Data Persistence Component] realises [Data Persistence Service]. There is also the [Data Virtualization Component] that realises [Data Virtualization Service]. In [Privacy Enablers] exists the [Privacy Component], which realises the [Privacy Service]. In [Knowledge Discovery Enablers] the [Knowledge Discovery Component] realises [Knowledge Discovery Component Service] which is associated with [Knowledge Triple stone]. In [Analytics Enablers] [Data Analytics Component] realises [Data Analytics Service]. In [Artificial Intelligence] the [Artificial Intelligent Component] realises [Artificial Intelligent Service]. [Translation Enablers] enable the possibility to increase the accessibility to public service through [Machine Translation Component] that realises [Machine Translation Service]. In [Users Experience Management Enablers] the [Public Administration Single Window Component] realises [Public Administration Single Window Service]. In [Digital Workplace Enablers] exist [Digital Workplace Component] which realises [Digital Workplace Service]. In [Schedule Management Enablers] the [Schedule Management Component] realises [Schedule Management Service], and the [Agenda Management Component] realises [Agenda Management Service], which is a specialisation of [Schedule Management Service]. The [Data Space Enablers] includes the [Data Space] which aggregates [Data Space Connector], and it has two specialisations, which are the [Data Space Connector Provider] and [Data Space Connector Consumer]. These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Technical Application Functional content] and [Technical Application Governance content] The Architecture Building Blocks defined in the [Digital Solution] can have [Interoperability Specification] associated, which is a specialisation of [Solution Specification] and realises [Interoperability Requirement]. |
Technical view - Application ABBs |
Technical Governance content |
Service Level Agreement |
Technical Agreement |
Technical Interoperability Agreement |
European Library of Architecture Principles |
Architecture Principle |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block |
Solution Building Block |
Interoperability Specification |
Shared Application Content |
Human Interface |
Machine to Machine |
Digital Solution |
API Discovery and Catalogue |
API Catalogue |
Web Service |
Service Registry |
Service Discovery and Registry |
Orchestration |
Conformance Testing |
Conformance Test Scenario |
Audit |
Authentication |
Request Validation |
Registration |
Identification |
Access Management |
Identity Management |
Authorisation |
Accounting |
e-Signature Creation |
e-Seal Creation |
e-Signature Verification and Validation |
e-Seal Verification and Validation |
e-Signature Preservation |
e-Seal Preservation |
Trust Service Provisioning |
e-Timestamp Creation |
e-Timestamp Verification and Validation |
Registered Electronic Delivery |
Integrity Verification |
Blockchain |
Data Exchange |
Privacy |
Machine Translation |
Digital Workspace |
Knowledge Discovery |
Knowledge Triplestore |
Data Analytics |
Artificial Intelligence |
Data Persistence |
Metadata Management |
e-Archiving |
Data Management |
Content Management |
Forms Management |
Data Publication |
Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading |
Data Quality |
Data Virtualization |
Data Space |
Data Space Connector |
Data Space Connector Provider |
Data Space Connector Consumer |
Public Administration Single Window |
Schedule Management |
Agenda Management |
Technical Governance Content |
Application Presentation Enablers |
API Enablers |
Trust Enablers |
Data Management Enablers |
User Experience Management Enablers |
Schedule Management Enablers |
Orchestration Enablers |
Data Exchange Enablers |
Translation Enablers |
Test Enablers |
Security Enablers |
Identification and Access Enablers |
Knowledge Discovery Enablers |
Analytics Enablers |
Artificial Intelligence Enablers |
Dataspace Enablers |
Technical view - Infrastructure
The Technical - Infrastructure view contains the most salient cross-sectorial infrastructure services that need to be considered to support technical aspects for the infrastructure (i.e. computing hosting, networking, and data hosting) of Digital Solutions regardless the use case considered. Narrative: These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Technical Infrastructure Functional content] and [Technical Governance content]. The Architecture Building Blocks defined can have any [Interoperability Specification] associated, of which the [Solution Specification] is a specialization. |
Technical view - Infrastructure ABBs |
Service Level Agreement |
Technical Agreement |
Technical Interoperability Agreement |
Shared Infrastructure Content |
European Library of Architecture Principles |
Architecture Principle |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block |
Solution Building Block |
Interoperability Specification |
Facility Location |
Hosting Facility |
Technology Interface |
Technical Governance Content |
Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure |
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers |
Analytics |
Databricks |
Business Intelligence |
Data Catalog |
Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Enablers |
Machine Learning |
Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers |
Remote Desktop |
Management Infrastructure Enablers |
Logger |
Telemetry |
Audit Manager |
Management Console |
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers |
Enterprise Service Bus |
Event Manager |
API Manager |
Serverless Orchestrator |
GraphQL Server |
Application Server |
API Gateway |
Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers |
Web Server |
Streaming Server |
Workflow Orchestration Infrastructure Enablers |
Business Process Manager |
Database Infrastructure Enablers |
Relational Database Manager |
Object-Oriented Database Manager |
NoSQL Database Manager |
Graph Database Manager |
Database Cache Manager |
Storage Infrastructure Enablers |
File Storage |
Block Storage |
Distributed File System |
Backup |
Data Lake Infrastructure Enablers |
Data Lake Storage |
Identity and Acess Infrastructure Enablers |
Identity Provider |
Federated Identity Provider |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
Active Directory |
Trust Infrastructure Enablers |
PKI Certificate Manager |
Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers |
Inmutable Database Manager |
Blockchain Ledger |
Distributed Blockchain Network |
Containers Infrastructure Enablers |
Containers Orchestrator |
Containers Manager |
Container Registry |
Container |
Networking Infrastructure Enablers |
Virtual Private Network |
Gateway |
Router |
Private Network |
Domain Name Service |
Private Subnetwork |
Load Balancer |
Firewall |
Computing Infrastructure Enablers |
Server |
Virtual Machine |
Physical Computing Infrastructure |
Physical Network Infrastructure |
Physical Communication Infrastructure |
Physical Security Infrastructure |
Physical Power Supply Infrastructure |
On Premise Facility |
Local Area Network |
Hybrid Cloud Facility |
Edge Computing |
Cloud Computing Facility |
SaaS |
PaaS |
IaaS |
Cloud Private Network |
Public Cloud Computing Facility |
Private Cloud Computing Facility |
Wide Area Networking |
Secure Public Network |
Public Network |
External Facility |
External Service |
Desktop Computer |
Smart Device |
Sensor |
Remote Desktop Client |
EIRA Viewpoints
EIRA Ontology Viewpoint

DESCRIPTION: [Analysis of a target digital public solution] groups the following ABBs: [Interoperability Dimension] which is associated with the [EIRA Architecture Building Blocks] requirement. the [EIRA Architecture Building Blocks] composes the [EIRA View], which is associated with the [EIF Interoperability Level], aggregates the [EIRA Viewpoint] and is a specialization of the [Key Interoperability Enabler] and [Architecture Building Block] which in turn adds granularity to the [Detail - level Architecture Requirement]. The [Detail - level Architecture Requirement] is a specialist ion of the [Interoperability Requirement] which aggregates all the [Interoperability Aspects]. [Analysis of a target digital public solution] is influenced by [Architecture Principle] which is a specialization of the [EIF Principle] and aggregates the [European Library of Architecture Principle]. [Architecture Principle] influences also the [Solution design of a target digital public service / Documentation of an existing digital public service] which is composed by the [EIRA Solution Building Block] that realizes the [Interoperability Specification] and specializes the [Solution Building Block] that, in turn, is composed by the [Digital Solution] which realizes the [Interoperable Digital Solution]. The [Solution Building Block] realizes the [Solution Specification] that is a specialization of the [Interoperability Specification] which aggregates the [EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications]. |
EIRA Ontology Viewpoint ABBs: |
EIRA Viewpoint |
Key Interoperability Enabler |
EIRA Architecture Building Block |
Architecture Building Block |
EIF Interoperability Level |
EIRA View |
Interoperability Dimension |
EIRA Dimension |
Organisational Governance Content |
Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence Assurance and Control |
Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation |
Capability |
Interoperable Digital Solution Constraint |
Legal Governance Content |
Public Policy Context |
Public Policy Constraint |
Detail-Level Architecture Building Block |
Interoperability Requirement |
Key Interoperability Enablers |
Shared Legal Content |
Shared Organisational Content |
Shared Knowledge Content |
Shared Platform |
EIF Principle |
Architecture Principle |
European Library of Architecture Principles |
Interoperable Digital Solution |
Application Presentation Enablers |
Machine to Machine |
Human Interface |
Digital Solution |
Interoperable Digital Solution |
Solution Specification |
Interoperability Specification |
![]() |
The [Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) alignment guidelines viewpoint] models the relations beteween an EIRA model and and Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) in order to make the model fully compliant with an Enterprise Architecture.
Highlevel viewpoint
The EIRA© with its views provides a set of Architecture Building Blocks, important to facilitate interoperability. Each view, one for each interoperability level, is represented with the Focal Architecture Building Blocks needed to deliver an interoperable solution. These focal Architecture Building Blocks are indicated with an accented colour. In the high-level are represented the ABBs that link the EIRA©’s views enabling navigation between the different views. As such they should be considered as critical components of any interoperable public service. They are not necessarily mandatory but should always be considered by a user of the EIRA© when executing one of its use cases. Narrative: This viewpoint selects Architecture Building Blocks from the five different views highlighting the focal building blocks of the EIRA©: 1. The selected Architecture Building Block of the legal view shows the [Public Policy] is realised by [Legal Act] and [Digital Public Service]; these two ABB, referred to the legal view, are aggregated within the [Shared Legal framework]. [Shared legal Framework] influences [Organisational Functional Content], [Semantic Functional Content], [Technical Application Functional Content]. 2. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the organizational view show a [Shared Governance Framework] that aggregates the [Organizational Functional Content] which considers a [Digital Public Service] which can be an aggregation of other [Digital Public Service]. The [Digital Public Service] realises a [Digital Business Capability]. A [Digital Business Capability] describes key functions supporting the [Digital Public Service]. A [Digital Public Service] accesses [Information], which can be an aggregation of other [Information]. At the same time a [Digital Public Service] is assigned by a [Digital Public Service Delivery] which is connected through a serving relation with the [Digital Public Service Delivery Model]. 3. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the semantic view shows the [Shared Knowledge Base] and that the [Semantic Functional Content] is composed of a [Representation], stored as [Data] and the [Ontology]. 4. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical views - application shows that a [Interoperable Digital Solution Service] is composed of a [Digital Solution Service] realized by a [Digital Solution Component] and lets consumers access it via [Machine to Machine Interface] and/or [Human Interface], which are part of a [Application Presentation and Access Enablers]. A [Digital Solution] exposes one or more [Digital Solution Service] via its [Machine to Machine Interface] and/or [Human Interface]. The [Digital Solution] uses [Digital Service Infrastructure] which uses a [Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure]. 5. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical views - infrastructure considers the [Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure]. |
Highlevel viewpoint ABBs |
Legal Governance Content |
Public Policy Constraint |
Public Policy Context |
Shared Legal Content |
Legal Functional Content |
Delegation of Powers Provisioning Digital Public Services |
Public Policy |
Legal Act |
Granularity of Legal Requirements |
Legal Act Representation |
Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation |
Data Owner |
Digital Public Service Delivery Model |
Digital Public Service Provider |
Digital Public Service Consumer |
Digital Public Service Delivery |
Digital Public Service |
Digital Business Capability |
Information |
Technical Agreement |
Technical Interoperability Agreement |
Shared Application Content |
Shared Infrastructure Content |
Shared Platform |
Machine to Machine |
Application Presentation Enablers |
Human Interface |
Digital Solution |
Hosting Facility |
Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure |
Shared Knowledge Content |
Semantic Governance Content |
Semantic Agreement |
Semantic Functional Content |
Data Representation |
Data |
Knowledge |
Ontology |
Interoperability Governance viewpoint
The Interoperability Governance viewpoint models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that refer to decisions on interoperability frameworks, institutional arrangements, organisational structures, roles and responsibilities, policies, agreements and other aspects of ensuring and monitoring interoperability at national and EU levels. As such, it does not include operational Architecture Building Blocks like interoperability agreements. Interoperability governance is the key to a holistic approach on interoperability, as it brings together all the instruments needed to apply it. Narrative: The selected Architecture Building Blocks from the five different views highlight the Architecture Building Blocks of the EIRA that are related to Interoperability Governance: 1. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the legal view show the [Public Policy Cycle] and the [Legal Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of the [Legal Agreement], 2. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the organisational view show that [Data Owner] signs [Organisational Agreement] which is a specialisation of the [Organisational Interoperability Agreement] and is composed by the [Framework Agreement] that is a specialisation of the [Specific Agreement] associated with [Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence assurance]. The [Interoperability Strategy] implements the [Interoperability Framework], which influences the [Security Framework], the [Privacy Framework], the [Interoperable skill] and the [Interoperability governance]. The [Interoperability Governance] is under the responsibility of the [Interoperability Organisational Authority]. [Delegation of powers provisioning Digital Public Services] influences the [Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation] which is realised by the [Digitalisation Roadmap] that realises also the [Digital Agenda], that serves the [Interoperability Strategy]. [Digital Agenda] is associated with [Digital Governance], which, in turn, is associated with [Interoperability Framework], [Security Framework] and [Privacy Framework]. 3. The selected Architecture Building Block of the semantic view show that [Data Policy] and its specialisation [Descriptive Metadata Policy], [Data Portability Policy], [Open Data Policy], [Master Data Policy], [Base Registry Data Policy] and [Reference Data Policy], together with the [Semantic Interoperability Agreement] are the mainstream of the solution governance at semantic level. Within the [Semantic governance Content] it is also considered that the [Semantic Interoperabilty Agreement] is a specialisation of a [Semantic Agreement]. 4. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical view show [Technical Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of the [Technical Agreement], which are the mainspring of the solution governance at technical level. |
Interoperability Governance viewpoint ABBs |
Legal Governance Content |
Digital-ready Policymaking |
Legal Agreement |
Legal Interoperability Agreement |
Semantic Governance content |
Semantic Interoperability Agreement |
Semantic Agreement |
Master Data Policy |
Open Data Policy |
Data Portability Policy |
Security Policy |
Privacy Policy |
Data Policy |
Organisational Governance Content |
Framework Agreement |
Organisational Agreement |
Data Owner |
Organisational Interoperability Agreement |
Delegation of Powers Provisioning Digital Public Services |
Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation |
Digitalisation Roadmap |
Digital Agenda |
Interoperability Strategy |
Digital Governance Plan |
Interoperability Framework |
Security Framework |
Privacy Framework |
Technical Governance Content |
Technical Agreement |
Technical Interoperability Agreement |
Interoperability Privacy viewpoint
The Interoperability Privacy viewpoint highlights the EIRA building blocks that are relevant when implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or assessing an existing architecture against the GDPR principles. Public administrations must indeed guarantee the citizens’ privacy, and the confidentiality, authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of information provided by citizens and businesses. Narrative: The selected Architecture Building Blocks from the five different views highlight the Architecture Building Blocks of the EIRA that are that are relevant with respect to GDPR: 1. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the legal view show that privacy requirements are coming from a [Public Policy] realised by a [Binding instrument]. 2. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the organisational view show that the [Privacy Framework] applies to the [Digital Public Service] which is assigned by the [Data Owner] and provided by the [Digital Public Service Provider]. The [Digital Public Service] serves the [Digital Public Service Delivery Consumer], assigned to an [Individual] that is associated to the [Information] accessible though the [Organisation] which is a specialissed by [Public Administration] and [Business]. 3. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the semantic view show that [Data] aggregates [Data Set], [Ontology] and [Data Mapping] and that it is subject to the [Data Policy]. 4. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the Technical View shows many service involving data impacted by the privacy regulation, such as [Data Extraction,Transformation and Loading Service], [Data Quality Service], [e-Archiving Service], [Data Publication Service], [Data Exchange Service] and [Data Management Service]; all the services reported are realised by their specific Application Component. Additionally, a [Privacy Service], realised by a [Privacy Component] implementing GDPR principle can be used to ensure compliance. 5. The selected Architecture Building Block of the EIF Underlying Principles view show the [EIF Principle], the general intended properties used to achieve interoperability, of which the [Security and Privacy] is a specialisation. The interoperability Specifications can be used to define the interoperability aspects for any of the Architecture Building Blocks. |
Interoperability Privacy viewpoint ABBs |
Interoperability Privacy viewpoint ABBs |
Public Policy |
Legal Act |
EIF Principle |
Privacy |
Organisation |
Business |
Public Administration |
Information |
Individual |
Digital Public Service Consumer |
Digital Public Service |
Digital Public Service Provider |
Data Owner |
Privacy Framework |
Data Policy |
Data Mapping |
Ontology |
Data |
Dataset |
Virtual Dataset |
Data Management Enablers |
Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading |
Data Quality |
Data Publication |
e-Archiving |
Metadata Management |
Data Exchange |
Data Management |
Privacy Enablers |
Privacy |
Interoperability Security viewpoint
The Interoperability Security and Privacy viewpoint models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks related to both security and privacy in the domain of interoperability. Citizens and businesses must be confident that when they interact with public authorities they are doing so in a secure and trustworthy environment and in full compliance with relevant regulations, e.g. the Regulation and Directive on data protection, and the Regulation on electronic identification and trust services. Public administrations must guarantee the citizens’ privacy, and the confidentiality, authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of information provided by citizens and businesses. Security and privacy are primary concerns in the provision of public services. When public administrations and other entities exchange official information, the information should be transferred, depending on security requirements, via a secure, harmonised, managed and controlled network. Transfer mechanisms should facilitate information exchanges between administrations, businesses and citizens. Appropriate mechanisms should allow secure exchange of electronically verified messages, records, forms and other kinds of information between the different systems; should handle specific security requirements and electronic identification and trust services such as electronic signatures/seals creation and verification; and should monitor traffic to detect intrusions, changes of data and other type of attacks. Source: The New EIF Narrative: This viewpoint selects Architecture Building Blocks from the five different view highlighting the Security and Privacy aspects of the EIRA©: 1. The selected Architecture Building Block of the legal view shows the [Public Policy], which is that mainspring of the solution 2. The selected Architecture Building Block of the organisational view shows the [Security Framework], associated with the [Security Governance] which is that mainspring of the solution. 3. The selected Architecture Building Block of the semantic view shows the [Security Policy], which is that mainspring of the solution. 4. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical view Application shows that a [Interoperable Digital Solution], which considers [Human Interface] and [Machine to Machine Interface] is supported by a [Shared platform] which uses [Trust Enablers], [Application Security Enablers], [Identification and Access Enablers] and [Data Exchange Enablers]. [Trust Enablers] such as [Integrity Verification Service], [e-Signature Creation Service], [e-Seal Creation Service], [e-Timestamp Creation Service], [e-Signature Verification and Validation Service], [e-Seal Verification and Validation Service], [e-Timestamp Verification and Validation Service], [e-Signature Preservation Service], [e-Seal Preservation Service] and [Registered Electronic Delivery Service], are all realised by a [Trust Service Provisioning Component]. [Identification and Access Enablers] is composed of [Authentication Service], [Request Validation Service] and [Registration Service] which are realised by [Identification Component] and that provides access to the [Directory], accessed also by the [Access Management Service], realised by the [Access Management Component]. [Application Security Enablers] is realised of [Firewall Service], composed of [Firewall Component] and [Audit Service], which is realised by an [Audit Component]. [Data Exchange Enablers] composed of Data Exchange Service] realised by the [Data Exchange Component]. 5. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical view Infrastructure shows an [Outsourcing Facility] and [On - Premise Facility] composed of [Back End Firewall] and [Extranet Firewall]. 5. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the EIF Underlying Principles view show that [Interoperability Specifications] realises [EIF Principles], the general intended properties used to achieve interoperability, of which the [Security and Privacy] is a specialisation. The interoperability Specifications can be used to define the interoperability aspects for any of the Architecture Building Blocks |
Interoperability Security viewpoint ABBs |
Interoperability Security viewpoint ABBs |
Legal View |
Public Policy |
Organisational View |
Security Framework |
Semantic View |
Security Policy |
EIF Underlying Principles View |
Legal Interoperability Agreement |
EIF Principle |
Security |
Technical View |
Interoperable Digital Solution |
Human Interface |
Machine to Machine |
Trust Enablers |
e-Signature Creation |
e-Signature Verification and Validation |
e-Signature Preservation |
e-Seal Creation |
e-Seal Verification and Validation |
e-Seal Preservation |
Trust Service Provisioning |
e-Timestamp Creation |
e-Timestamp Verification and Validation |
Registered Electronic Delivery |
Integrity Verification |
Application Security Enablers |
Identity and Access Enablers |
Authentication |
Request Validation |
Identification |
Registration |
Access Management |
Audit |
Data Exchange Enablers |
Data Exchange |
Public Cloud Computing Facility |
Hosting Facility |
On Premise Facility |
Private Cloud Computing Facility |
Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure |
Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint
The Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint models the most salient key interoperability enablers(*). The viewpoint uses the ArchiMate© motivation extension to assess the structural interoperability readiness, the behavioral interoperability readiness and the governance interoperability readiness of solutions that are necessary to enable the efficient and effective delivery of public services across administrations. European public service provision often requires different public administrations to work together to meet end users’ needs and provide public services in an integrated way. When multiple organizations are involved there is a need for coordination and governance by the authorities with a mandate for planning, implementing and operating European public services. Services should be governed to ensure: collaboration, seamless execution, reuse of services and data, and development of new services and ‘building blocks'. Narrative: This viewpoint selects Architecture Building Blocks of the EIRA© that are key enablers for the interoperability of public services: 1. EIF [Interoperability Principles] are used to realise the overall goal of achieving interoperability. 2. Particularly, the goal of [Achieve Legal Interoperability] is realised by a [Shared Legal Framework] of [re]usable legal resources that enables: structural interoperability by legal resources supporting reusing and/or sharing legislation (i.e. [Legislation Catalogue] enabling provisioning/consuming legal texts cross public administrations and cross borders); behavioral interoperability by legal resources supporting exchanging capabilities of data, information or knowledge with internal/external peers (i.e. [Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange] enabling data/information/knowledge to be provisioned/consumed cross public administrations and cross borders); and governance interoperability by legislation supporting the collaboration with internal/external peers exchanging data, information or knowledge (i.e. [Legal Interoperability Agreement] on legal terms assuring juridical certainty enabling agreed legal terms/conditions for sharing, reuse and exchange of data/information/knowledge cross public administrations and cross borders). 3. Particularly, the goal of [Achieving Organisational Interoperability] is realised by a [Shared Governance Framework] of [re]usable organisational resources that enables: structural interoperability by organisational resources supporting reusing and/or sharing of digital public services (i.e. [Digital Public Service Catalogue] enabling provisioning/consuming public services cross public administrations and cross borders); behavioural interoperability by organisational resources supporting exchanging capabilities of data, information or knowledge with internal/external peers (i.e. [Digital Public Service Delivery Model], served by [Digital Public Service Delivery] enabling data/information/knowledge to be provisioned/consumed cross public administrations and cross borders); and governance interoperability by governance resources supporting the collaboration with internal/external peers exchanging data, information or knowledge (i.e. [Organisational Interoperability Agreement] on organisational terms/conditions enabling sharing, reuse and exchange of data/information/knowledge cross public administrations and cross borders). 4. Particularly, the goal of [Achieving Semantic Interoperability] is realized by a [Shared Knowledge Base] of usable data, information and knowledge resources that enables: structural interoperability by semantic resources supporting reusing and/or sharing of data, information and knowledge (i.e. [Data Set Catalogue], [Ontologies Catalogue] and [Data Mapping Catalogue] enabling provisioning/consuming data, information and knowledge cross public administrations and cross borders); behavioral interoperability by semantic resources supporting exchanging capabilities of data, information or knowledge with internal/external peers (i.e. [Open Data], [Distributed Ledger] and [Virtual Data Set]; and governance interoperability by semantic resources supporting the collaboration with internal/external peers exchanging data, information or knowledge (i.e. [Semantic Interoperability Agreement] on interpretations enabling sharing, reuse and exchange of data/information/knowledge cross public administrations and cross borders). 5. Particularly, the goal of [Achieving Technical Interoperability] is realised by a [Shared Application Content] and [Shared Infrastructure Content]. The [Shared Application Content] is a Grouping of ICT Resources components that enables structural interoperability by ICT resources supporting the reusing and sharing of data via [Software component Discovery and catalogue Service], [API Discovery and Catalogue Service] and [Service Discovery and Registry Service]; behavioural interoperability by ICT resources supporting communication via [Machine to Machine], [Human Interface], [Data Exchange Service], [UX Management Service] and [Digital Workplace Service], and governance interoperability by ICT resources supporting collaboration via [Technical Interoperability Agreements]. The [Shared Infrastructure Content] is a Grouping of ICT resources that enables structural interoperability by ICT resources supporting reusing and/or sharing of data via [Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure], behavioural interoperability by ICT resources supporting communication via [Technology Interface]. governance interoperability by ICT resources supports also the collaboration with internal/external peers exchanging data, information or knowledge (i.e. [Technical Interoperability Agreements] on technical terms/conditions enabling provisioning/consuming back-office services cross public administrations and cross borders), and governance interoperability by ICT resources supporting collaboration via [Technical Interoperability Agreements]. |
Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint ABBs |
Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint ABBs |
EIF Underlying Principles View |
EIF Principle |
Archive Legal Interoperability |
Achieve Organisational Interoperability |
Achieve Semantic Interoperability |
Achieve Technical Interoperability |
Key Interoperability Enablers |
Shared Legal Content |
Shared Organisational Content |
Shared Knowledge Content |
Shared Application Content |
Shared Infrastructure Content |
Key Structural IoP Enablers |
Legislation Catalogue |
Digital Public Service Catalogue |
Data Mapping Catalogue |
Ontologies Catalogue |
Dataset Catalogue |
Software Component Discovery and Catalogue |
API Discovery and Catalogue |
Service Discovery and Registry |
Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure |
Key Behavioural IoP Enablers |
Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange |
Digital Public Service Delivery |
Metadata |
Data Exchange |
UX Management |
Digital Workplace |
Technology Interface |
Key Governance IoP Enablers |
Legal Interoperability Agreement |
Organisational Interoperability Agreement |
Semantic Interoperability Agreement |
Technical Interoperability Agreement |
REST API viewpoint

The EIRA© API viewpoint models an introductory overview of the focal Architecture Building Blocks required when modelling an API Interface. The ABBs included in the API viewpoint represent all the required Busilding Block necessary to design an API Interface accessible thoruh a web interface.
A [Client request for service] is made trough [Internet] and it triggers the [Authentication Service] which serves the [Request Validation Service]that triggers the [HTTP(s) Load Balancer] whichin turn triggers all the [Endpoints] related. Each [Endpoint] serves the [Application Service] which triggers the [App Component] that, in turn, triggers the [Data Access Service]. The [Data Access Service] provides access to the [Data Space] which is composed by the [SQL Data Space], [Read - Replica], [NoSQL Data Space] and [Virtual Data Space]. In the moment in which the [Endpoint] is triggered data flows to the [API Response] which is composed by [Data] and [Represenation] accessed by a [Request Validation Service]. The [API Response] triggers the response that is provided to the user who requetd the data in the first instance.
REST API viewpoint ABBs
Communication |
Public Network |
Human Request for service |
Machine Request for service |
Accounting |
Audit |
Fault Tolerance & High Availability |
HTTP(S) Load Balancer |
Firewall Service |
API Management Middleware |
API Manager Service |
API Routing |
Request Transformer and Validation |
Response Transformer and Validation |
Authentication |
Authentication Middleware |
Application Presentation Enablers |
Human Interface |
Machine to Machine |
Digital Public Services |
Digital Solution |
Data Services |
e-Archiving |
Data Management |
API Response |
Interoperable European Solution viewpoint

The Interoperable European Solution viewpoint models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks related to the modelling of interoperable solutions across europe. Public administrations must consider all the aspects reported within the viewpoint when creating solution that should consider all the aspects specific to interoperability.
[Interoperable Digital Solution] is composed by a [Shared Platform][Machine to Machine Interface] and [Human Interface]. [Machine to Machine Interface] and [Human Interface] are assigned to the [Digital Solution Component] relised by the [Digital Solution component] and associated with the [Shared Knowledge Base]. [Interoperable Digital Solution] is regulated by a [Shared Legal Framework] and associated with [Shared Governance Framework] which is also associated with [Shared Legal Framework] and [Shared Platform]. The [Shared Legal Framework] regulates also the [Shared Platform].
Interoperable European Solution viewpoint ABBs
Shared Organisational Content |
Shared Legal Content |
Shared Knowledge Content |
Shared Application Content |
Shared Infrastructure Content |
Technical Application Functional Content |
Interoperable Digital Solution |
Machine to Machine |
Human Interface |
Digital Solution |
Shared Platform |
Enterprise Architecture Framework alignment guidelines viewpoint

The [Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) alignment guidelines viewpoint] models the relations beteween an EIRA model and and Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) in order to make the model fully compliant with an Enterprise Architecture. Every ABB that appears in this diagram is related with the EIRA LOST views which they belonws. Watch in on the sheet of [Properties]->[Analysis] of Archi.
Enterprise Architecture Framework alignment guidelines viewpoint ABBs
Public Administration |
Coordination Capacity |
Regulatory Capacity |
Delivery Capacity |
Analytical Capacity |
Creation of Interoperable European Solutions |
European Interoperability Reference Architecture |
Achieve Interoperability |
Interoperable European Solution |
Architecture Principle |
Public Policy Context |
Public Policy Constraint |
Digital-ready Policymaking |
Delegation of Powers Provisioning Digital Public Services |
Granularity of Legal Requirements |
Public Policy Objective |
Data Owner |
Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence Assurance and Control |
Digital Public Service Delivery Model |
Digital Business Capability |
Digital Solution Assumption |
Digital Solution Architecture Decision |
Digital Solution Constraint |