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Winners of the first UN-EC joint hackathon - Get plugged into Education

Check how the hackathon improved Moodle for education!

Published on: 04/07/2022 News

On Thursday, 30th June, the European Commission Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) and the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) held the Awards Ceremony for the first SDG Quality Education – Goal #4 of the Open Source Software for Sustainable Goals, OSS4SDGs hackathons series featuring Moodle.

The event took place virtually with the presence of Bernardo Mariano Junior (Chief Information Technology Officer UN/OICT), Veronica Gaffey (DIGIT General Director) and Martin Dougiamas (Moodle founder).

The winners of the hackathon were the following:

  • 1st prize: Moodle group rooms in Jitsi, by Sébastien Essoh Lathe Gnagne - Ivory Coast.
  • 2nd prize: HTML Bootstrap Editor, by the RÉCIT FAD team (Mr. Étienne Roy, Mr. Yvon Quémener, Mr. Émile Jacques, and Mr. Gustavo Bazzo) – Canada.
  • 3rd prize: Combined Calendar, by Ms Marie-Eve Lévesque, Mr Annouar Faraman and Mr Andrew Caya - Canada.

Honourable mentions were also given to the following participants:

  • Mrs Celine Perves, Digital Department, University of Strasbourg, France, for the development of various plugins, in particular, the ability to restore from remote sites.
  • Mr Renaat Debleu, IT Specialist, eWallah, Belgium, for the innovation of his plugin for administrators to translate an entire course using Neural Machine Engines.

You can read here the full press release about the event