Digital Response to COVID-19 | Joinup
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
The Digital Response to COVID-19 shares open source software, websites, and platforms that are useful for public administrations, businesses, and citizens dealing with the COVID-19 crisis:
European Commission - DIGIT
Supra-national authority

The Digital Response to COVID-19 gives you access to a large resource database including open source software, websites, and platforms that are useful for public administrations, businesses, and citizens dealing with the ongoing crisis:

  • Open source solutions – A growing list of open source software solutions available to help medical staff, public administrations, businesses, and citizens in their daily activities.
  • Open data – Open databases and datasets to analyse the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Hackathons and events – A list of hackathons, past and future, in order to access their findings and contribute to the development of new responses to tackle the issues related to COVID-19. This includes a list of events on COVID-19.
  • Useful links and resources – A list of links, online platforms, and websites to obtain more information about COVID-19 issues. Among other things, you can learn about the measures in place in your country and worldwide, find out which organisations need your help or discover available educational resources.
  • Already on Joinup – Interoperable solutions ready for reuse that might support governments and citizens in the current crisis.
  • Share your solution - A form and an email address to easily share new solutions to be added to this repository.

The listed solutions and resources cover a wide range of areas from public health, education, e-events, and volunteering, to collaboration opportunities, among others.

The collection is constantly evolving and being updated with newly available digital solutions to tackle COVID-19 crisis. Become a member of this collection to add content, start discussions, or share your story in a news item.  We are counting on you!

Share with us any ongoing initiatives related to digital responses to COVID-19 you are aware of  via the online form or via email at


The inclusion of a solution or initiative in this repository does not imply any endorsement of its effectiveness, efficiency or reliability. The Joinup platform is not responsible for the use made of it.

Last update: 12/01/2024

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