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Business Rules for the eGovERA Validator

eGovERA Validator Rules

Published on: 15/03/2024 News

The following table list the rules implemented to test the eGovERA’s solution completeness profile for version 1.0.0.

eGovERA-001Definition completenessThe model must identify itself as an eGovERA modelCheck property eira:modelType has value TBDErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-002Definition completenessAll LOST views are definedOrganisational, Semantic, Legal, Technical (infrastructure), Technical (application)ErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-003Definition completenessThe ABBs used in the eGovERA model references real ABBs from the EIRA modelAn element is ABB if the value of 'eira:concept' is 'eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock'

dct:type has value with eira:[…]
Check eira:PURI and elementType matches EIRA model
eGovERA-004Definition completenessThe ABBs used in the eGovERA model has the same type as the EIRA ABBs. ErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-005Definition completenessThe ABBs used are not obsoleteCheck obsolete property eira:ABB_statusWarningDoneDone
eGovERA-006Definition completenessThe ABBs defined in the eGovERA model are valid ABBs ErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-007Definition completenessThe properties of SBBs are appropiateThe properties "eira:concept" and "eira:ABB" are filledErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-008Definition completenessThe SBBs defined in the eGovERA model refer to valid ABBsThe property "eira:concept" has the value "eira:SolutionArchitectureBlock"
Has correct "elementType"
Refers to existing ABBs (property eira:ABB)
eGovERA-009Solution conformanceThe ABBs being reused in the solution matches the eGovERA model ABBs ErrorDoneDone
eGovERA-010Solution conformanceThe solution's SBBs refer to eGovERA model ABBseira:ABB has the value of eGovERA's dct:typeErrorDoneDone

The following link redirects to the new release of eGovERA Validator which is public available towards the Interoperability TestBed webpage: