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The eHealth community focuses on the use of modern ICT in support of health and health-related fields.
European Commission
Supra-national authority
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The eHealth community focusses on the use of modern ICT in support of health and health-related fields. Apart from providing news and case studies, it offers one forum for those procuring eHealth solutions, and another for those involved in telemedicine.

Examples of the topics covered in this community include, eHealth information networks, electronic health records, telemedicine and health portals. The community members include citizens, patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers and policymakers.

Last update: 28/06/2024

Call for tenders for AI

eProcurementeHealthArtificial intelligence
Last update: 28/06/2024

Call for tenders: Robotics surgery

eProcurementeHealthDigital innovation
Last update: 05/07/2024

Public Consultation: EU Conflict-of-Interest Rules

Last update: 15/01/2024

Sustainability initiatives in the EU food chain

FoodeHealthHuman resources
Last update: 17/10/2023

The European Cancer Imaging Initiative

eHealthDigital innovation
Last update: 02/08/2023

Digital health and artificial intelligence in healthcare

eHealthArtificial intelligenceDigital innovation
Last update: 03/08/2023

Commission and WHO partner in digital health

CollaborationTools+2 topics
Last update: 09/08/2023

Health Threat Landscape report release

Last update: 30/03/2023

HBP Final Summit 2023

Last update: 14/10/2022


Culture and educationeHealth
Last update: 12/12/2016

RNMR Platform (National Registry of Rare Diseases)

Last update: 14/10/2014

Secure Active Aging: Participation and Health for the Old People


Detailed information

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