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Quality Review of the Public Administration Architecture Framework (PAAF): EIRA with PAAF / PAAF with EIRA Alignment Guidelines
European Commission - DIGIT
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The Public Administration Architecture Framework (PAAF) model is intended to be a starting point for developing an Enterprise Architecture for any Public Administration.


This model is published by the Public Governance Institute of KU Leuven (access its web here) and it is aimed at modelling a complete Public Administration using an Enterprise Architecture Framework.


The objective of the Quality Review of the Public Administration Architecture Framework (PAAF) is to analyse the potential alignment of PAAF and other models, such as EIRA, thus identifying useful guidelines and examples for mutual synergy.


You can download the PAAF model from here

Release date: 31/01/2024

EIRA with PAAF / PAAF with EIRA Alignment Guidelines

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