The following table list the rules implemented to test the EIRA’s solution completeness profile for version 6.0.0.
ID | Description / message | Solution completeness - basic | Solution completeness - complete | HL SAT completeness - basic | HL SAT completeness - complete | DL SAT completeness - basic | DL SAT completeness - complete | Solution to DL SAT |
EIRA-000 | The ArchiMate© v3 modelling language must be used. | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error |
EIRA-001 | The model must define a view named '$view'. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-002 | The model is missing required attribute(s) [$MissingModelAttributeNames]. | Warning | Warning | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-003 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) has an invalid element type '$ElementType'. Expected element type '$EIRAElementType'. | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | N/A |
EIRA-004 | SBB '$SBBName' references an invalid ABB. No ABB is defined for name '$ABBName'. | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | N/A |
EIRA-005 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is missing required attribute(s) [$MissingSBBAttributeNames]. | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-006 | SBB '$SBBName' refers to obsolete ABB '$ABBName'. | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-007 | An ABB ('$ABBName') must not be defined in a solution | Error | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-008 | ABB defined with element type '$ElementType' that does not match the EIRA. Expected element type '$EIRAElementType'. | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | Error | N/A |
EIRA-009 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) defines invalid value '$SBBPropertyValue' for attribute '$SBBPropertyName'. Expected '$ExpectedPropertyValue. | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-010 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) must not define multiple values for attribute '$SBBPropertyName'. | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-011 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's Legal view. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-012 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's Organisational view. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-013 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's Semantic view. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-014 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's Technical view - application. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-015 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's Technical view - infrastructure. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-016 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in the model's EIF Underlying Principles view. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-017 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) is not present in one of the model's Technical views. | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-018 | All ABBs in the high-level overview must be defined. No '$SBBName' SBB is defined. | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-019 | All ABBs in the high-level overview must be defined. No '$SBBName' SBB (or a specialization) is defined. | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-020 | All ABBs in the high-level overview must be defined. At least one SBB for ABBs ['$ABBName1', '$ABBName2', ...] must be defined. | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-021 | At least one SBB should be defined for the 'Interoperability Aspect' ABB. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-022 | At least one SBB should be defined for the 'Interoperability Requirement' ABB or one of its specialisations ('Legal', 'Organisational', 'Semantic' or 'Technical Interoperability Requirement'). | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-023 | At least one SBB must be defined for the 'Machine to Machine Interface' or 'Human Interface' ABBs. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-024 | SBBs should be defined for all key interoperability enablers. No '$SBBName' SBB is defined. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-025 | SBBs for the 'Interoperability Specification' ABB or one of its specialisations ('Legal', 'Organisational', 'Semantic' or 'Technical Interoperability Specification') are not allowed. SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) must be removed. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-026 | Only legal view SBBs may be modeled (unless explicitly allowed). SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) must be removed. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-027 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) should be aggregated by an Interoperability Aspect SBB. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EIRA-028 | SBB '$SBBName' ($ABBName) defines an invalid value '$SBBPropertyValue' for attribute 'eira:dependencies'. Each defined value must match the ID attribute of another requirement. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-029 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's Legal view. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-030 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's Organisational view. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-031 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's Semantic view. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-032 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's Technical view - application. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-033 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's Technical view - infrastructure. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-034 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in the model's EIF Underlying Principles view. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-035 | ABB '$ABBName' is not present in one of the model's Technical views. | N/A | N/A | Warning | Error | Warning | Error | N/A |
EIRA-036 | At least one SBB should be defined for the 'Interoperability Specification' ABB or one of its specialisations ('Legal', 'Organisational', 'Semantic' or 'Technical Interoperability Specification'). | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-037 | ABB '$ABBName' does not have an association to an SBB of type 'Interoperability Specification' (or one of its specialisations). | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Warning | Warning | N/A |
EIRA-038 | [$DL_SAT] SBB '$SBB' for ABB '$ABB' is expected and must be included in the solution. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Error |
EIRA-039 | [$DL_SAT] An ABB '$ABB' is defined that is not addressed in the solution. The solution must include an SBB for this ABB. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Error |
EIRA-040 | [$DL_SAT] Specification '$SPECIFICATION' is defined for ABB '$ABB' that is not addressed in the solution. The solution must include an SBB for ABB '$ABB' associated to this specification. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Error |
EIRA-041 | [$DL_SAT] Specification '$SPECIFICATION' is not associated to the expected SBB '$SBB' of type '$ABB'. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Error |
EIRA-042 | [$DL_SAT] Specification '$SPECIFICATION' of type '$ABB' is expected and must be included in the solution. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Error |
The following link redirects to the new release of the EIRA Validator which is public available towards the Interoperability TestBed webpage:
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