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European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a self-declaration of the businesses' financial status, abilities and suitability for a public procurement procedure. It is available from the national public services.
European Commission - ISA office
Supra-national authority
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European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a self-declaration of the businesses' financial status, abilities and suitability for a public procurement procedure. It is available in all EU languages and used as a preliminary evidence of fulfilment of the conditions required in public procurement procedures across the EU. Thanks to the ESPD, the tenderers no longer have to provide full documentary evidence and different forms previously used in the EU procurement, which means a significant simplification of access to cross-border tendering opportunities. From October 2018 onwards the ESPD shall be provided exclusively in an electronic form.

The European Commission provides the ESPD Exchange Data Model (EDM) XML files as Open Source OP-TED/ESPD-EDM: The European Single Procurement Document enables accelerated processing of preliminary evidence in EU public procurement. The ESPD EDM enables applications to integrate with national ESPD service providers. (, the full documentation available online:  ESPD Exchange Data Model (ESPD-EDM) :: TED Developer Documentation (

For any further inquiries please contact via email at: 

The European Commission provides a free web service for the buyers, bidders and other parties interested in filling in the ESPD electronically. The online form can be filled in, printed and then sent to the buyer together with the rest of the bid. If the procedure is run electronically, the ESPD can be exported, stored and submitted electronically. The ESPD provided in a previous public procurement procedure can be reused as long as the information remains correct. Bidders may be excluded from the procedure or be subject to prosecution if the information in the ESPD is seriously misrepresented, withheld or cannot be complemented with supporting documents.

In addition, the ESPD data model is at the disposal of the parties interested to integrate it into their e-procurement solutions. It is available for download here


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