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Knowledge Centre

Welcome to NIFO's Knowledge Centre! The content accessible through this page is periodically updated.

The Knowledge Centre gives you access to all the information and resources published by NIFO which will allow you to learn more about the recent developments in the field of digital public administration and interoperability across Europe. When relevant, links to external resources are also provided.

The information and resources published by NIFO can be found in two main thematic Hubs and can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

Policy hub




The Digital Policy Hub centralises all the information and resources relative to the state of play of digital public administration, interoperability and related policies in Europe, including factsheets, reports and case studies. 

The Hub also offers the possibility to browse the content “by country” thanks to a geographical map that eases your navigation when searching for country-related resources. 

The Monitoring Hub centralises all information and resources relative to the monitoring activities conducted under NIFO, namely the monitoring of the implementation of the EIF across Europe thanks to the EIF Monitoring Mechanism, as well as the monitoring of the implementation of the Berlin Declaration across the Member States, through the Berlin Declaration Monitoring Mechanism.

Additionally, it provides supporting material to national public administrations through guidelines and trainings, as well as the EIF Toolbox.