Ethical hackers wanted, for fixing bugs in LibreOffice, LEOS, Mastodon, Odoo and CryptPad
Awards of up to EUR 5000 are available for finding security vulnerabilities in LibreOffice, LEOS, Mastodon, Odoo and CryptPad, open source solutions used by public services across the European Union. There is a 20% bonus for providing a code fix for the bugs they discover.
A new set of bug bounties was launched on 13 of January using the Intigriti bug bounty platform. In total, an amount of EUR 200,000 was funded by the European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO) to focus again on the security of open source software widely used by public services.
About this set of bug bounties
Researchers are called to find security vulnerabilities such as leaks of personal data, horizontal/vertical privilege escalation and SQLi. The highest reward will be EUR 5000 for exceptional vulnerabilities and a 20% bonus if the fix is also provided.
One criteria in selecting bug bounties was their use within European public services. LibreOffice, Mastodon, Odoo and Cryptpad amply met this criterion and were therefore selected.
In addition, the EC OSPO decided to select LEOS, a legal editor used by European Commission, Parliament, Council and several member states.
First things first
The European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO) was created in 2020 as the first concrete action of the latest Open Source Software Strategy for 2020-2023. It acts as a facilitator for activities outlined in the strategy and the action plan guided by six principles: think open, transform, share, contribute, secure, stay in control. In practice, the Commission aims to reinforce an internal working culture that is already largely based on the principles of open source and achieve the goals of the strategy by the following concrete actions: