PDF-Over is a tool for creating signatures(PAdES). It allows drag-and-drop, signatures with PDFs and visible signatures. Supports multiple European eID smartcards. It is an Austrian solution (EGIZ).
Non-Profit Organisation
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PDF-Over is a tool for creating signatures conforming PAdES. It allows for drag and drops of PDF documents and to place a visible signature block to the PDF.
The main signature-creation devices supported are Austrian eID, a couple of European eID smartcards are supported through the MOCCA software (cards from Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland)
The focus in the development of this tool lies on usability and extensibility.
The latest installers for each OS can be found directly on this overview page as distributions.
Detailed information
Last update
Solution type
Interoperable European Solution Service
Release version
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