What are Personal Data Spaces?
The Data Governance Act introduces new concepts & mechanisms, such as data intermediaries, to enable the safe reuse of certain categories of public-sector data that are subject to the rights of others. This includes notably personal data.
By bringing together technical experts, policy officers from various Member States & the EC and the emerging private players active in this field, the SEMIC action wants to promote interoperability between vendors and service providers, but also to analyze the dependencies with key architectural components of the various data spaces.

Moving forward in a collaborative manner
During SEMIC2021, Member States highlighted the need for more coordination and synergies between Personal Data Space implementations. Therefore, a selected group of experts through a close collaboration with the Joint Research Centre are convened to:
- Understand the policy and business challenges involved in the adoption of Personal Data Spaces in the EU;
- Ensure interoperability between existing and potential Personal Data Space technologies;
- Co-create a roadmap of future actions as a joint work plan for the coming 5 years to catalyse the implementation of Personal Data Spaces.
Looking at the market, Solid technology and MyData operators are key players of the emerging Personal Data Space landscape. Experts from both organisations will actively contribute to the workshops together with policy and technical experts from the Commission and Member States. The outcome of the workshops will feed into the various data space initiatives across sector specific DGs and boost the implementation of Personal Data Spaces amongst Member States.
If you would like to attend one of these events, please visit the respective event pages (links below) and contact us.

Interested in the personal data spaces and how SEMIC contributes to it? Here is what Esther De Loof (SolidLab) and Viivi Lähteenoja (MyData Global) would like to share with you!

The goal of this first workshop is to understand the policy and business challenges involved in the adoption of Personal Data Spaces in the EU. Who is already implementing them and what are the challenges? From this perspective, a white paper will be prepared to facilitate the discussion on the three objectives listed above.
The key outcome of this first workshop will represent input for a white paper describing the state-of-play of personal data spaces and the interoperability challenges. The second, technical workshop will then investigate current and potential technical solutions to address the key challenges identified, whereas the third workshop will identify paths forward to be shared with policy and business representatives. By doing so, the third workshop will produce a joint action agenda for the EU-wide advancement of interoperability for the next years. All workshops will be conducted under Chatham House rules, and contributing participants will be included as co-authors of the outputs.
This first workshop will be led by Viivi Lähteenoja, Researcher at the University of Helsinki and chair of the board for MyData Global. More practical information can be found on the following JoinUp page:
Please find the reading the materials here.
The goal of this second workshop is to illustrate how Solid & My Data can be used in practice and how both technologies can be made interoperable. This way, the workshop participants can get hands-on with the technical interoperability between different Personal Data Space implementers. Additionally, a mapping between different personal data vocabularies will be included to showcase the current obstacles on the semantic interoperability level.
The outcome of this workshop will be a list of relevant issues to be tackled.
More practical information can be found on the following JoinUp page:
The goal of this third workshop is to co-create a roadmap of future actions as a joint work plan for the coming 2 years to catalyse the implementation of personal data spaces. The upcoming challenges will be identified by reflecting on the current status and obstacles the different stakeholders face while dealing with personal data spaces.
This way, the third workshop will deliver a dedicated roadmap on how, in line with the Data Governance Act, interoperable personal data spaces can be implemented based on the current state-of-the-art technology.
This third workshop will be led by Viivi Lähteenoja, Researcher at the University of Helsinki and chair of the board for MyData Global. More practical information can be found on the following JoinUp page: