Has PM² helped you effectively manage a project? Will adopting the methodology at European level make a difference? Support the European Commission’s official project management methodology by voting for project 14 today!
The European Ombudsman published the list of the 57 nominees for the 2023 Award for Good Administration., and the team at the Centre of Excellence in PM² is honoured to feature alongside many interesting projects that have a significant impact on Europe. The nomination to the award relates to the work done in 2021-2022.
PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed at the European Commission and used in most European Institutions, bodies and agencies. It is included as a solution in the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Toolbox and is considered essential knowledge for the Project Manager according to the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) multilingual classification.
PM² has been nominated in the category of ‘Excellence in open administration’ and we strongly believe that PM² contributes and promotes good public administration as an open, easy-to-follow/lean, complete, scalable and inclusive project management methodology available to Member States and beyond.
Has PM² helped you effectively manage your project? Will adopting the methodology at European level make a difference? Will it facilitate improved collaboration between the Member States on initiatives? Will the investments the European projects represent return more value to the European citizen?
Thank you on behalf of the Centre of Excellence in PM²