The Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation provides a unique bridge between EU policies and standardisation activities in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). This allows for increased convergence of standardisation makers’ efforts towards achieving EU policy goals. This document is the result of an annual dialogue involving a wide-range of interested parties as represented by the multi-stakeholder platform on ICT standardisation. The Rolling Plan focuses on actions that can support EU policies and does not claim to be as complete as the work programmes of the various standardisation bodies.
Standardisation actions identified in this document to support EU policies are complementary to other instruments, in particular the Annual Union Work Programme (AUWP). The Rolling Plan attempts to list all known areas where ICT standardisation could support EU policy objectives. It also details the requirements for ICT standardisation, translates them into actions and provides a follow-up mechanism for the actions.
The Rolling Plan 2020 identifies 165 actions grouped into four thematic areas: key enablers and security, societal challenges, innovation for the single market and sustainable growth. The Commission has identified five priority domains - 5G, cloud, cybersecurity, big data and the internet of things (IoT) - where it considers ICT standardisation most urgent for the completion of the digital single market. It has also identified a number of application domains that will benefit from standard setting in those horizontal technologies, in particular eHealth, intelligent transport systems, smart energy and advanced manufacturing. The 2020 Rolling Plan continues to include actions to support the priorities indicated in the Communication on ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market (COM (2016) 176 final).
Rolling Plan Policy Areas and Chapters
Key enablers and security
- 5G
- Cloud computing
- Public sector information, open data and big data
- Internet of Things
- Cybersecurity / network and information security
- Electronic identification and trust services including e-signatures
- ePrivacy
- e-Infrastructures for research data and computing intensive science
- Broadband infrastructure mapping
- Accessibility of ICT products and services
- Artificial Intelligence
- European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS)
Societal challenges
- eHealth, healthy living and ageing
- Digital skills and e-Learning
- Emergency communications
- eGovernment
- eCall
Innovation for Digital Single Market
- e-Procurement – pre- and post award
- e-Invoicing
- Preservation of digital cinema
- Fintech and Regtech Standardisation
- Blockchain and Distributed Digital Ledger Technologies
Sustainable growth
- Smart grids and smart metering
- Smart cities and communities/ technologies and services for smart and efficient energy use
- ICT Environmental impact
- European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
- Intelligent Transport Systems - Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (ITS-CCAM) and Electromobility
- Advanced manufacturing
- Robotics and autonomous systems
- Construction - building information modelling
- Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the EU maritime domain
- Water Management Digitalisation.
- Single European Sky
Horizontal building blocks
- Annex I - List of Member States' Work Plans and Strategies
- Annex II - List of Links to Standards Bodies' Web Sites With Up-to-date Information on Ongoing Work
- Annex III - Term Definitions and Main Abbreviations
The Commission would like to thank all members of the multi-stakeholder platform on ICT standardisation for their active collaboration and for making this document possible: the EU Member States, EFTA States, standards developing organisations (ETSI, CEN, CENELEC, ISO, IEEE, IEC, ITU, GS1, IETF/IAB, OASIS, ECMA, W3C/ERCIM, UN/CEFACT), industry associations (Business Europe, CER, Digitaleurope, ECIS, ECSO, ETNO, Eurosmart, Free ICT Europe, German Insurance Association, GSMA, OFE, Orgalim) and stakeholder associations (ANEC, ECOS, EDF, ETUC, SBS).