Digital eParticipation solutions for petitioning, consultation on matters of common interest and e-Voting
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 20/02/2024
European Citizens' Initiative - Regulation (EU) 2019/788
This solution contains all the artefacts related to the European Citizens' Initiative.
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 20/02/2024
Crypto Tool for the European Parliament Elections and for the European Citizens' Initiative
The EU Commission's Crypto Tool, secures data exchange for EU Parliament elections and European Citizens' Initiatives. It prevents double voting and enhances data quality and interoperability across Member States. It is an EC solution.
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 28/05/2024
EUSurvey is a free multilingual online service to manager surveys and public consultations. It offers diverse question types, result analysis and export options. It is an EC solution.
Reusable Software ComponentseParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 20/02/2024
ECI Online Collection Software (OCS)
It is an OSS (under EUPL) to collect information for European Citizens' Initiatives, with compliance with EU regulations. This solution is for European iniative organisers. It is an EC solution.
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 05/10/2023
Electronic Schema Definition
Following Article 12 - Verification and certification of statements of support by the Member States of the REGULATION (EU) 2019/788 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2019 on...
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 05/07/2024
EU Commission launches consultation on Digital Europe Programme
The European Commission has announced the launch of a 12-week open stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL).
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 05/07/2024
Global Gateway: SMEs Voice Their Needs
On 24 April, Commission hosted the Global Gateway Business Advisory Group’s second plenary meeting
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 26/02/2024
EUSurvey covers all your survey life cycle needs
EUSurvey is the flexible and widely accessible solution for:collecting the opinions of stakeholders on a specific issue;rapidly consulting businesses, citizens or other interested parties;conducting...
CollaborationeParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 15/01/2024
Building resilient and participatory democracies
A new recommendation from the Commission calls Member States to promote the participation of citizens and civil society organisations in public policy-making. This could improve the quality of...
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 18/12/2023
World Cities Day 2023
The 31st of October has been celebrated as The World Cities Day! An annual event designated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities associated with global...
eParticipation and eVoting
Last update: 18/12/2023
Commission adopts rules on independent audits
The European Commission recently adopted and transmitted to the European Parliament and Council a Delegated Regulation with rules on independent audits to assess compliance of Very Large Online...