The European Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides technical expertise and capacity-building support to policymakers across the European Union.
Digital innovationLegal+11 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
EUIBA Emerging Technologies
Projects related to emerging technology initiatives on AI, blockchain,extended reality, etc.) within European Union Institutions, Bodies and Agencies.
Digital innovationTools+5 topics
Last update: 24/06/2024
GovTech Connect
This Collection is the home of the GovTech Connect and the GovTech4all Communities, a space for collaboration and knowledge sharing between private and public sectors.
Smart citiesDigital-ready policymaking+3 topics
Last update: 27/02/2024
GR digiGOV-innoHUB - The Greek EDIH for Public Services
The Greek Digital Government and Public Services Innovation Hub provides a networking space for digital innovation actors to collaborate and share best practices in the field of Public Administration Digital Transformation.
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+3 topics
Last update: 06/06/2024
EC Open Source Programme Office
As each EU member state, the Commission has an Open Source Programme Office(OSPO) facilitating activities around the open source.
Open Source SoftwareICT
Last update: 13/02/2024
FOSSEPS - Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services
European initiative providing knowledge on Free and Open Source Software for European Public Services.
Open Source SoftwareCollaborationeGovernment
Last update: 13/02/2024
Digital Response to COVID-19
The Digital Response to COVID-19 shares open source software, websites, and platforms that are useful for public administrations, businesses, and citizens dealing with the COVID-19 crisis:
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
SSI eIDAS Bridge
Sharing information on a self-sovereign identity based on blockchains and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
LegalOpen Source Software+6 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
Better legislation for smoother implementation
Policy-making benefits from collaborative networks and multidisciplinary approaches that help providing a better legislative answer to societal issues. This community aims to foster connecting people, organisations and solutions.
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+6 topics
Last update: 20/04/2021
The "ECPHP" project's purpose is to provide a set of reusable components that make the PHP language and related technologies within the European Commission easier to install, use and develop with.
Open Source Software
Last update: 26/09/2019
Processing Open Source Data with Exchangeable Components
A wide variety of public authorities need to process open source information to support decision making and understanding the context of a topic domain. In many use cases the data needs to be processed by passing it through a number of software components (for example a component to do automatic language translation) before a human can effectively use it. For various processing steps software tools (commercial and non-commercial) already exist and are in use by authorities of EU Member States and EU institutions. However, it proves difficult to exchange and reuse tools between authorities…
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+2 topics
Last update: 14/02/2024
Digital Skills in the public sector
Information on how to improve digital skills in the public sector.