The European Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides technical expertise and capacity-building support to policymakers across the European Union.
Digital innovationLegal+11 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
EUIBA Emerging Technologies
Projects related to emerging technology initiatives on AI, blockchain,extended reality, etc.) within European Union Institutions, Bodies and Agencies.
Digital innovationTools+5 topics
Last update: 24/06/2024
GovTech Connect
This Collection is the home of the GovTech Connect and the GovTech4all Communities, a space for collaboration and knowledge sharing between private and public sectors.
Smart citiesDigital-ready policymaking+3 topics
Last update: 27/02/2024
GR digiGOV-innoHUB - The Greek EDIH for Public Services
The Greek Digital Government and Public Services Innovation Hub provides a networking space for digital innovation actors to collaborate and share best practices in the field of Public Administration Digital Transformation.
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+3 topics
Last update: 06/06/2024
EC Open Source Programme Office
As each EU member state, the Commission has an Open Source Programme Office(OSPO) facilitating activities around the open source.
Open Source SoftwareICT
Last update: 13/02/2024
FOSSEPS - Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services
European initiative providing knowledge on Free and Open Source Software for European Public Services.
Open Source SoftwareCollaborationeGovernment
Last update: 15/02/2024
Interoperable Europe
Interoperable Europe is the initiative of the European Commission for a reinforced interoperability policy in the public sector.
CollaborationEuropean Policies
Last update: 13/02/2024
ENDORSE exchange platform
High dynamism and innovation underpin the digital transformation of our public administrations. Join our community of practice, interact with peers and semantic and knowledge management specialists! The ENDORSE exchange platform is designed to help.
LegalStandardisation+5 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
Mutual Learning Platform on Data Protection and Ethics in ICT Research and Innovation
The PANELFIT Platform for Mutual Learning is promoting cooperation and support between researchers and innovators working on data protection.
LegalICT+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
European Rapid Alert system for dangerous products (RAPEX)
The Rapid Exchange of Information System (RAPEX) is the EU rapid alert system for unsafe consumer products. It has been replaced by the new Safety Gate website on
LegalICT securityEuropean Policies
Last update: 13/02/2024
Digital Response to COVID-19
The Digital Response to COVID-19 shares open source software, websites, and platforms that are useful for public administrations, businesses, and citizens dealing with the COVID-19 crisis:
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
SSI eIDAS Bridge
Sharing information on a self-sovereign identity based on blockchains and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)