The European Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides technical expertise and capacity-building support to policymakers across the European Union.
Digital innovationLegal+11 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
EUIBA Emerging Technologies
Projects related to emerging technology initiatives on AI, blockchain,extended reality, etc.) within European Union Institutions, Bodies and Agencies.
Digital innovationTools+5 topics
Last update: 11/04/2024
The European Commission Digital Innovation Framework
This framework fosters the Digital Innovation in the Commission with an innovation lab inside the European Commission; by promoting co-innovation with DGs and agencies; and fostering collaboration with EU public administrations.
Digital innovation
Last update: 15/04/2024
Public Sector Tech Watch
Public Sector Tech Watch provides insights into emerging technologies in the European public sector, such as artificial intelligence and blockchains.
Digital innovationObservatories+2 topics
Last update: 08/07/2024
Regulatory Reporting Metadata Vocabulary (RRMV)
Regulatory Reporting Metadata Vocabulary (RRMV) is an ontology that can be used to structure reporting requirements (‘requests’) in legal provisions.
Digital innovationLegal+4 topics
Last update: 15/11/2023
EU BERT is is a language processing tool tailored for European languages and was developed through collective European efforts. EUBERT processes and understands multiple languages from the continent, addressing its specific linguistic needs.A significant aspect of EU BERT's development was the use of the EuroHPC Meluxina cluster, a core component of Europe's high-performance computing landscape. This advanced infrastructure ensured that the model was trained to be both efficient and attuned to the complexities of European languages.The model is accessible here:…
AI Named entity recognition
Last update: 15/11/2023
EuroVoc Tagger
The European Parliament has deployed a EuroVoc ( classifier in production using the Huggingface Enterprise Hub solution. The classifier employs a BERT model to classify documents based on the EuroVoc vocabulary, which is a multilingual thesaurus of concepts used in European Union documentation.The model is accessible here: For more information or queries contact the solution owner via the link in the 'Contact information…
AI Named entity recognition
Last update: 15/11/2023
Knime & Dataiku tools exploration
We are starting our Data Analytics effort and experimenting different tools in the Lab.Knime added to the list of tool available in the catalogue of the EP. The evaluation of Dataiku is on going.For more information or queries contact the solution owner via the link in the "Contact information" section.
Advanced data analytics
Last update: 15/11/2023
Assessment of solutions to automate document encoding processes
We are exploring the market for OCR solutions that will help us automate some Document encoding processes. The results are available in a document that can be provided upon request. For more information or queries contact the solution owner via the link in the 'Contact information' section.
Optical Character Recognition
Last update: 15/11/2023
Experimentations made on Virtual Visits, Augmented Content and Indoor Geolocalisation
We are doing a lot of experiments with Augmented and Virtual Reality. They are all under POCs efforts.The use cases are Virtual Visits, Augmented Content, Indoor geolocalisationOur current focus is on two geolocation technologies.For more information or queries contact the solution owner via the link in the "Contact information" section.
Extended reality
Last update: 13/02/2024
ETAPAS toolkit
ETAPAS aims to improve public service delivery for citizens by facilitating the ethical adoption of Disruptive Technologies in compliance with European and national strategies and guidelines. It is an ETAPAS Consortium solution.
Robotic Process AutomationeGovernment+2 topics
Last update: 15/09/2023
Chatbot for innovative projects
A chatbot replying to questions concerning the European Union institutions, bodies and agencies' projects (planned, ongoing, in production) in the emerging technology fields (AI, blockchain, XR etc). Based on AWS Lex.