In this panel, high-level representatives of EU public services will discuss the potential of sharing and reusing IT solutions and the role of open source as drivers and technical pillars of the Interoperable Europe Act and its implementation. We will also explore the potential of multi-country initiatives (both existing and emerging) as effective tools to enhance the reuse of digital solutions and the interoperability of public services. Examples of initiatives are the European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDICs), the GovTech Incubator or the EU Open Source Catalogue.
Come and join the discussion with the panelists:
The session will be moderated by 2 members of Interoperability and Digital Government Unit of DG DIGIT: Monika Sowinska, OSOR Project Officer and Miguel Diez, the EC OSPO Lead and Interoperability Enablers Team Leader.
Registration to attend in person is now closed, but you can follow this session online. Register here: https://www.semic2024.eu/registration/online-registration-form/
Agenda of the whole event: https://www.semic2024.eu/agenda/#day-02704bef-2430-4a47-823a-6df85988e10b-270624